On the Blog

Persimmon Picking Season is Coming!

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Cherbruke Orchard and Gardens
777 Broadway
New York NY 0000
Open Tuesday – Sunday
6:30am – 3:00pm

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"Michelle's coaching is such a positive force in my life."

Michelle helps guide you to stepping into your own power and overcome and accomplish anything . She offers insight and wisdom, yet challenges you, using her format and approach, to seek and experience your own inner guidance system.

"Michelle helped me to dig a little into my past."

She had a way of making you feel so comfortable discussing anything without judgment. Michelle is extremely knowledgeable in many areas and I always came away from our sessions with a new idea or strategy. 

"Michelle was the lifeline to myself."

She helped me understand my thoughts and feelings so that I could better articulate them outward. She patiently talked me thru issues until I felt confident enough to resolve them. She even gave me helpful exercises to practice if I encountered fears or anxieties. It helped with my relationships, especially with my kids and boyfriend. All of her coaching truly helped change my life in a very positive way.