If you’ve landed here, you’re in the right spot!  

Hey babe,

You’re here because you want to see a change in your life! You want to see how good you are willing to let it get! You know there is more, but what exactly?

Well, that’s where I was about 3 years ago. I had checked off all the major accomplishments in my life that I wanted:



3 Amazing Kids

House & cars we bought ourselves

Friends I loved  

All the points had been achieved and yet I had hit an emotional and spiritual brick wall.  

 I was grateful for what I had manifested and achieved, but I was no longer filled up by it. Looking back at that completely boring list, I forgot about me. I had no time for self-love, for self-care, for my authentic self. I was filled with fear, self-doubt and a lackluster enthusiasm for life.

This was not me! I had to make a change. And QUICK!

I learned how to find that inner badass inside and bring her back to the forefront of my life. I had all these other people to care for, it wasn’t just me anymore, and I had to learn how to incorporate these loves of my life, into my life and into me. The authentic me!  

It didn't make any sense. On the outside everything looked perfect, but on the inside I felt there had to be more. I literally was thinking, 'how am I going to make it to the end of my life?' The monotony was suffocating me and I was drowning. Wake up, feed kids, drive to schools, get groceries, work, doctors appointments, care for pet, laundry, clean house, pick up kids, make dinner, bath, bedtime, glance at husband (maybe say hi), pass out from exhaustion... Repeat.

Can ya, feel me?

I want to show you it's possible to redesign your life to live on purpose, find your passion again, and spark the play back into your daily routine.

These are the vital ingredients you need to get back to that powerful woman you know is deep inside you. It's not only possible, it absolutely can happen for you! I want to show you what I did, and HOW I did it. I know if I did it you can too! The 5 Secrets to Feel Empowered Now is the perfect way to start. I've honed it down into easy bite-sized action steps just for you!

My mission is to help women overcome this gap in their lives where you have the opportunity to create a life you truly love living. You wake up happy, excited, and motivated. You're present with your kids and your partner because you know the value of your relationships. You feel more confident to express your needs because you know you're worthy of receiving it.

I hope you find the inspiration and tools to put in your self-love backpack here on my website.

I'll join you in your journey to self-renewal, self-gratitude, and to EMPOWER your soul again! If you're ready to just have a conversation, then please take a look at my schedule, here.

And I want to show YOU how!

1. I love french press coffee
2. I used to be in a band in high school
3. I would wear slippers all day if I could.
4. Obsessed with spirituality and personal development.
(will read any book- not digital- I can!)
5. Secretly love watching the Kardashians
(reminds me of my crazy family)
6. My favorite candy is a dark chocolate nonpareil.

Fun Facts

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