Chances are you’ve been hearing the word “alignment” float around a lot right now.
It’s kind of everywhere, right?
That’s how energy kind of works. You’ll hear a word or see a thing that you want that stimulates your energy…and then all of sudden it’s like you can’t stop hearing the word or seeing the thing.
Has that ever happened to you before?
This is alignment in action.
Alignment is a buzzword right now, yes! But most people have no clue what it actually means or how it really works.
You feel that tingle, that sparkle run through your body.
You feel that pull, that urge, that “uh-huh- I want that!”
You know this feeling because it’s embodied.
You are in control of what goes on inside of you.
You are no longer affected or swayed by outside influences.
You say what matters.
You feel confident and steady in your choices.
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There isn’t just one word or phrase that's powerful enough to describe alignment. It’s a sense within yourself- a feeling and knowing all wrapped into one. And when you feel it coursing through every part of your being, you just know it’s all happening.
You stand in your leadership because you know down deep, into your core, and in every cell of your body, when you are in alignment only you can choose the best, right path for you.
…and when you are out of alignment, you can feel it too. Things don’t add up.
You feel heavy.
You feel stuck.
You feel frustrated.
Your feelings of “should” come up to wreak havoc on your mindset.
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I’ve always been able to manifest things that I wanted. But I didn’t feel powerful doing it. I just felt “lucky” or somehow that what I had earned had to be manifested through hard work or some suffering. I didn’t think I could just manifest without paying some price.
I wanted to know why it seemed like other people made it look so easy and effortless. Here I was busting my butt to do all the things, but not really getting what I truly wanted. It would be in my grasp and then fall away. I would step up into that flow and then it would disappear.
I know because I've been there.
I finally decided to rip the mask off, do the work and see why those feelings were something I couldn’t maintain. I had to face the ultimate truth.
It was hard because I was making it hard.
So, I decided it could be easy.
I finally started listening to the urges, the signs, and the little nudges to put me on the right path, the easier path.
Even as my husband’s business was falling apart and the very real reality that everything we had built up to this point basically became obsolete over night, I leaned into being more and more aligned with myself.
I HAD to stay aligned or things would get worse for everyone in my family.
Alignment helped me stay steady in the chaos.
Alignment helped me manifest the money we needed to continue to thrive.
Alignment in knowing how to lead myself, no matter what came our way, gave me faith and courage that I could stand up and rise.
And it clicked.
I could tap into staying aligned by using very precise steps.
I honed the skills.
I found out what worked and what didn’t.
I learned this was the key that had been missing for me for years.
And I want to share it with you!
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Alignment within yourself transcends time,
It transcends the chaos around you,
It transcends the fear.
It keeps you lasered in on who you came here to be so you can do what you came here to do.
There is a way to have Alignment no matter what happens around you.
You can have
A private Facebook Group just for Quantum Alignment members. You will receive the content LIVE here at the scheduled times and will be able to watch again for 6 months after the program. Community is so important to embody information and these will be your people for all things alignment.
*Please note, you can also access the training in another portal if needed.
Alignment meditations, visualizations, and affirmations to keep with you always. And plenty of life-changing journal work to keep your high vibe in all the feels throughout the program!
I couldn’t be more excited to announce there will be 2 new Modules this round!!
As with all my programs, I am constantly evolving and growing, so guess what? So are my programs!! I’ve added 2 new modules on embodying this work daily and how to apply it to your life. I can’t wait to reveal them inside the program!
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