That’s how energy kind of works. You’ll hear a word or see a thing that you want that stimulates your energy…and then all of sudden it’s like you can’t stop hearing the word or seeing the thing.
Has that ever happened to you before?
This is alignment in action.
Alignment is a buzzword right now, yes! But most people have no clue what it actually means or how it really works.

You feel that tingle, that sparkle run through your body.

   You feel that pull, that urge, that “uh-huh- I want that!”

You know this feeling because it’s embodied.

It’s not just a thought you think in your head. You feel it pulsate through every part of your being. It’s a knowing things that are “right” and also when things are “wrong”.
Some may describe it as intuition, but alignment is so much more than that because you are the driver of the feelings you are experiencing.  

You are in control of what goes on inside of you.

You are no longer affected or swayed by outside influences.

 You say what matters.

You feel confident and steady in your choices.

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There isn’t just one word or phrase that's powerful enough to describe alignment. It’s a sense within yourself- a feeling and knowing all wrapped into one. And when you feel it coursing through every part of your being, you just know it’s all happening.  

You stand in your leadership because you know down deep, into your core, and in every cell of your body, when you are in alignment only you can choose the best, right path for you.

…and when you are out of alignment, you can feel it too. Things don’t add up.

You feel heavy.
You feel stuck.
You feel frustrated.
Your feelings of “should” come up to wreak havoc on your mindset.  

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"Michelle's coaching is such a positive force in my life."

Michelle helps guide you to stepping into your own power and overcome and accomplish anything . She offers insight and wisdom, yet challenges you, using her format and approach, to seek and experience your own inner guidance system.

"Michelle helped me to dig a little into my past."

She had a way of making you feel so comfortable discussing anything without judgment. Michelle is extremely knowledgeable in many areas and I always came away from our sessions with a new idea or strategy. 

"Michelle was the lifeline to myself."

She helped me understand my thoughts and feelings so that I could better articulate them outward. She patiently talked me thru issues until I felt confident enough to resolve them. She even gave me helpful exercises to practice if I encountered fears or anxieties. It helped with my relationships, especially with my kids and boyfriend. All of her coaching truly helped change my life in a very positive way. 

I’ve always been able to manifest things that I wanted. But I didn’t feel powerful doing it. I just felt “lucky” or somehow that what I had earned had to be manifested through hard work or some suffering. I didn’t think I could just manifest without paying some price.

I wanted to know why it seemed like other people made it look so easy and effortless. Here I was busting my butt to do all the things, but not really getting what I truly wanted. It would be in my grasp and then fall away. I would step up into that flow and then it would disappear.   

I know because I've been there.

It was not easy-at all.   

I finally decided to rip the mask off, do the work and see why those feelings were something I couldn’t maintain. I had to face the ultimate truth.

It was hard because I was making it hard.

So, I decided it could be easy.
I finally started listening to the urges, the signs, and the little nudges to put me on the right path, the easier path. 

Oh girlfriend I've been there!

I learned how to make Alignment a part of my life so that I could show up to my life aligned every single day.  

And things began to move for me.

Money became easier, not just to make it, but to hold onto it.

My relationships, all of sudden, became crystal clear and I learned how to get what I wanted without throwing myself out of whack to get it.

I learned to honor my emotions, but not let them rule my life.

My work is in such high service, the ripple effect on people’s lives leaves me in awe of their transformations every single day.

It no longer feels fleeting to me, but rather it’s something I can count on.  

Even as my husband’s business was falling apart and the very real reality that everything we had built up to this point basically became obsolete over night, I leaned into being more and more aligned with myself.

I HAD to stay aligned or things would get worse for everyone in my family.

Alignment helped me stay steady in the chaos.

 Alignment helped me manifest the money we needed to continue to thrive.
Alignment in knowing how to lead myself, no matter what came our way, gave me faith and courage that I could stand up and rise.

And it clicked.

I could tap into staying aligned by using very precise steps.  
I honed the skills.
I found out what worked and what didn’t.
I learned this was the key that had been missing for me for years. 

And I want to share it with you! 

And  I’ll  tell  you,  the   Pandemic  made    alignment    very real   for   me.  

I’m an empowerment mentor to spiritual badass women and entrepreneurs, a Mamma to 3, wife to a loving man, Acupuncturist, meditation teacher, and even more.

I grew up poor, had parents who divorced multiple times, and lived thru emotional traumas. Despite that, I grew up believing anything was possible, even though I lived in a world with chaos and dysfunction. I quickly learned how to fight for what I wanted and to manifest the things I wanted, but all through struggle and grit. I could do hard things and get thru it because I am a badass.

But, then I didn’t want to do that anymore.

I started examining how I had achieved everything I had. A beautiful home, a marriage to a loving man, 3 kids after many years of IVF, a successful wellness practice, and yet I felt exhausted by it all. It didn’t make sense.

I started to do the work around how it all started, the stories I believed in like to “be successful you have to work hard”, “anything worth it you have to struggle for”. I dived into my belief systems, reworked all the foundations I grew up with and rebuilt my own standards without all the “shoulds” I was told to do.

I started feeling easier, in flow, and generally happier. I woke up earlier than ever just so I could get clear, meditate and set my intentions daily. I realized I could ditch the rules and do it my way. I realized I could still be a badass without sacrificing my heart. I started to empower my own bliss and it felt amazing!! It is my intention to empower women to deeply know their value and worth on the planet so that they can lead their life the way they truly want, set their own rules and create a ripple in their life.

About Me

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Why alignment even matters?

You can get the information from books, Facebook lives, masterclasses, or even courses, but if you’re not embodying the information, you can’t integrate it.

And the transformation you’re looking for can’t happen.

 When you’re in alignment, everything lines up.
You know it in your gut.
Your thoughts line up with your beliefs.
 You feel it coursing thru every single cell in your body.
It’s as if you have a cord inside and everything just snaps into place.
You are a sparkly gem lighting up the world with every part of you!
Yes, it’s amazing!! 

Alignment within yourself transcends time,
It transcends the chaos around you,
It transcends the fear.
It keeps you lasered in on who you came here to be so you can do what you came here to do.
There is a way to have Alignment no matter what happens around you.  

You can have

Quantum Alignment 

Module 1

In this module, you’ll learn why your energy matters in everything you do. We lay the foundation to understand this vital tool to access your personal power. This is the basis for the whole program. 

Module 2

You’ll learn the subtle nuances of the different types of energy and how to clearly identify the mind/body connection. Taking 20+ years of experience as an Acupuncturist, you’ll learn how to “know” when you’re in the flow of doing vs. receiving. 

Module 4

In order to bring all these concepts to life, you must be the leader to ignite the change. Activating your personal power comes from within and we’re going to tap into that here.

The Content

Module 3

In this module, you’ll learn emotional intelligence and next-level communication for all areas of your life. You’ll discover how your beliefs set you on a specific track and how this is a huge piece of what you’ve currently created in your life.


A private Facebook Group just for Quantum Alignment members. You will receive the content LIVE here at the scheduled times and will be able to watch again for 6 months after the program. Community is so important to embody information and these will be your people for all things alignment.

*Please note, you can also access the training in another portal if needed.

Alignment meditations, visualizations, and affirmations to keep with you always. And plenty of life-changing journal work to keep your high vibe in all the feels throughout the program!


I couldn’t be more excited to announce there will be 2 new Modules this round!!

As with all my programs, I am constantly evolving and growing, so guess what? So are my programs!! I’ve added 2 new modules on embodying this work daily and how to apply it to your life. I can’t wait to reveal them inside the program!

Live Round

Are you ready love?

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